Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I told you so....

Look in any paper, listen to any radio or television report. The evidence is conclusive and moving towards a Grand Jury. People scoffed at my conspiracy theory about NBA referees but now the truth is coming out. The big difference between what is being reported and the "real" truth is the scale of the conspiracy.

League officials today are claiming one bad apple. David Stern is telling us that Tim Donaghy's activities involving low level mobsters and point shaving and game fixing is an isolated incident.

Well what is apparent is that this CAN happen and has, thus validating the primary premise behind the whole "conspiracy theory".

That now being the case, one has to wonder what other manifestations occur.

I look forward to the detailed analysis that will follow that illustrates the impact that Donaghy has had on games and the difference that his has made in league play.

This my friends is but the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Friday, July 6, 2007


As someone who scans the internet on a pretty regular basis, I love the fact that you can discover new and interesting things, facts, media and people.
The latter has caught my eye again and once again this is through flickr.

Chronicity is the nick of a spectacular individual that I have come across. It's amazing the information that is shared. And the thing that strikes me and frankly surprises me, is the impact that this can have. I'm captivated by this person.

I want to talk to her, engage, and exchange.
The challenge is that with all the noise on the internet, when someone as clearly harmonic as Chronicity is bumped into, rising above that noise is virtually impossible. What does this mean? Well, if it were a party in a crowded room, standing across the room hoping to make eye contact would have a better chance of connecting than the internet.

So for all it's wonders in communicating and bringing people together, there is still this element that keeps people at a distance. It's like taking fibre to the door for Telco's. Laying the infrastructure pipe is easy to a point, but where it makes the biggest difference and has the most benefit it the toughest. So too with connecting with people.

How frustrating it could be to think you have found your one true... You know the one thats destined. If you believe in that. Only to realize that they are a world away and have a life that is totally devoid of you and always will be. Another consequence of the internet. The "talent pool" is more like a talent ocean. Almost infinite variety.

So I marvel at a stunning woman that I will probably never speak to.

I watch as her life continues and she documents it for those that care to watch.

I revel in her joie de vie.

I empathise with her trials and tribulations.

And celebrate her victories.

This is probably creepy as hell for her but it is certainly not the intent. When we enter the public domain, we should expect to engage with the public.
Apologies for appropriating your content but it's so good.

The nature of people demands that most of them be engaged in the most frivolous possible activities—like making money.

~ Marshall McLuhan ~