Thursday, April 26, 2007 it's been a couple months...

Reality is that you have to be hugely dedicated to these things to find the time each and every day. To those of you out there that are making that investment and actually saying things worth reading, good for you.

Recently (well really a couple of months ago) I discovered a new phenomenon to me. 365's.

On flickr, there are these people that take photos of themselves and publish them. They do this every day and they do it very creatively. One of my favourites is a woman from California that goes by the nom de plume of PHOTOKAT. In an odd way, she has allowed me to watch her. Like a voyeur I watch her through the lense of her camera. Her family. Her friends. And most revealingly herself.

And I must say, in this case I am enchanted. This 27 year old mother of three from southern California is spell-binding. I can't wait to check each day and see what she has shot and what she has been doing. Whether its working out, taking her daughter on a Sparks camping trip or just looking pretty and capturing it. I find it all fascinating, intoxicating and habit forming.

Is this the future? Relationships with people that we get glimpses of through media?

I know that PHOTOKAT has relationships with others on flickr. They get together and have lunch or go out for drinks or have play dates with their kids at the park. And through all this, the constant camera captures split seconds of events.

It's a curious lens to see people through at times. But the wonder I have is what's next. Clearly there are lots of people who are expressing themselves this way.